Marketing Internship

On this page you will find all relevant information with regards to the Marketing Internship we offer to ambitious candidates.

Marketing Internship Description

TheClubDeal offers internships to candidates with a marketing, communication or design background. The role will offer the candidate the opportunity to own multiple projects linked to our stakeholder strategy. This can range from Coporate Documentation, Communication Strategy, Strategy Articulation, Digital Marketing and many other independent tasks. Interest or experience in the financial sector are appreciated, as well as an ability to work independently. We recruit on a rolling basis throughout the year.

Key Competencies

  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing, communication or design. Ideally working towards a master’s degree.
  • Fluency in French and English. Dutch is an asset.
  • Team-player able to hit the ground running.
  • Independent project owner.
  • Previous experience in Finance is appreciated.
  • Candidates must be located in Brussels or be able to relocate at their own costs.
  • University internship convention required.


Please submit your CV and Cover Letter using the form. A team member will contact you shortly.

Career - Marketing Internship Application


Please fill out this form to the best of your ability

Academic enrolment during Internship period


TheClubDeal does not offer relocation budgets to international candidates. We thus encourage local candidates, or candidates with ties to/accommodation in Brussels to apply.

No experience yet in Private Equity or Venture Capital Multiple experiences in Private Equity/Venture Capital Funds or Investment Banking

Languages & Skills

No knowledge Fluent/Native
No knowledge Fluent/Native
No knowledge Fluent/Native

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