Expanding The Private Equity Investment Pool

Dear readers,

I read this interesting article and thought it was worth a repost (“Why it’s time to expand the private equity investor pool”).

Private equity has long been the preserve of a few investors. The stereotypical individual investor has gained credibility through a long carreer in a executive position or as a successful entrepreneur. Their experience give them a unique access to the best private equity deals of the market. However, these few investors only represent a fraction of the available financial means that could foster the growth of our economies.

At the same time, investors are wanting and probably need new ways to access securities, real estate and capital markets.

This is where TCD Capital comes into action. TCD Capital is a financial holding that invites investors to co-invest in selected deals. We do:

–      Create such club deals (investors’ syndicates) in which we maximize the combination of knowledge and financial firepower

–      Aim at expanding the PE investor’s pool by proposing PE transactions to a larger community of investors.

If you want to know more about TCD Capital, I invite you to fill-in the contact form on our website. 

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