Belgium has evolved a lot over the last years. The combination of the reduction of global leaders headquartered in Belgium, and the consequential loss in career opportunities for the brighter, the globalization and the faster circulation of new ideas, as well as some notorious successes in several sectors have fostered a new generation of would-be Entrepreneurs. Somehow, this new cycle forces the brighter and their peers in becoming entrepreneurs. The regulator has understood that and new laws are passed rendering creation of new companies easier.
As to the Investors, the recent years have structurally rendered the asset class of direct equity a desirable one. Indeed, low interest rates and high stock and fixed income markets render hazardous any long term decision in those sectors. Furthermore, new tax incentives (tax shelter) render it even more advantageous with tax reduction upfront when some criteria are met.
For those investors able to take the illiquidity risk and understand the business challenges inherent to such investments, the place to be is definitely the market of direct equity.
Investing in direct equity requires a lot of skills, a bit of luck, some patience. These ingredients are better supported by structured processes.
Founded in early 2016, TCD Capital SA/NV has structured some processes, based on extensive combined experience of the founders, so to ease the selection, investment and supervision of such investments.
Established as a financial holding, TCD Capital consistently tries to identify companies demonstrating a solid combination of strong and dedicated staff, well-designed strategy and a timing to market which may allow a belief in the competitiveness of a company and its products.
Subsequently, when invested, or in some instances as independent Members of the Board, TCD Capital will develop applied governance processes. Those processes aim at maximizing and facilitating mutual