Logo of TCD Capital, which leads to the homepage when clicked.


How we protect your privacy on TCD-Capital.com and when you use our services.

This privacy policy has been compiled to better serve those who are concerned with how their ‘Personal Data’ is being used online. ‘Personal Data’, as described in the GDPR directive, means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.
This policy explains what information is collected, why it is collected, and how we use it.

Informatie die wij verzamelen

De meeste persoonsgegevens die wij verzamelen, worden rechtstreeks door onze contactpersonen verstrekt wanneer zij zich registreren en gebruik maken van onze diensten. Andere gegevens worden verzameld door interacties met onze diensten te registreren.

Account & Contact Data

When you fill in one of our contact forms, you voluntarily give us certain information. This typically includes your name, company name, email address, and sometimes your phone number, postal address (when an invoice or delivery is required), business sector and interest in TCD-Capital.com,
We never record or store credit card information or personal ID’s from our customers.

Job Application Data

When you apply for a job on our website or via an employment agency, we usually collect your contact information (name, email, phone), and any information you choose to share with us, in your introduction letter and Curriculum Vitae. If we decide to send you a job proposition, we will also ask you to provide extra personal details, as required to fulfil our legal obligations and personnel management requirements.
We will not ask you to provide information that is not necessary for the recruitment process. In particular, we will never collect any information about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership or sexual life.

Browser Data

When you visit our website and access our online services, we detect and store your browser language and geolocation, in order to customise your experience according to your country and preferred language. Our servers also passively record a summary of the information sent by your browser, for statistical, security and legal purposes: your IP address, the time and date of your visit, your browser version and platform, and the web page that referred you to our website.

Hoe wij deze informatie gebruiken

Account & Contact Data

We use your contact information in order to provide our services, to answer your requests, and for billing and account management reasons. We may also use this information for marketing and communication purposes (our marketing messages always come with a way for you to opt out at any time). We also use this data in aggregated/anonymised form in order to analyse service trends.
If you have registered to participate in an event published on our website, we may transfer your name, email address, phone number and company name to our local organizer and to the sponsors of the event, for both direct marketing purposes and in order to facilitate the preparations and booking for the event.
If you have expressed interest in using TCD-Capital.com as an entrepreneur, we may also transfer your name, email address, phone number and company name to one of our investors.

Job Application Data

We will only process this information for our recruitment process in order to evaluate and follow up with your application and in the course of preparing your contract if we decide to send you a job proposition. You may contact us at any time to request the deletion of your information.

Browser Data

This automatically recorded data is anonymously analysed in order to maintain and improve our services. We will only correlate this data with your personal data when required by law or for security purposes if you have violated our Acceptable Use Policy.

Onze helpdeskmedewerkers en technici kunnen op beperkte en redelijke wijze toegang krijgen tot deze informatie om een probleem met onze diensten op te lossen, of op uw uitdrukkelijk verzoek om ondersteuningsredenen, of zoals vereist door de wet, of om de veiligheid van onze diensten te waarborgen in geval van schending van ons Beleid voor Aanvaardbaar Gebruik, om onze diensten veilig te houden.

Toegang tot, bijwerken of verwijderen van uw persoonlijke informatie

Account & Contact Data

You have the right to access and update personal data you have previously provided to us. You can do so at any time by connecting to your personal account on TCD-Capital.com. If you wish to permanently delete your account or personal information for a legitimate purpose, please contact us at [email protected]. We will take all reasonable steps to permanently delete your personal information, except when we are required to keep it for legal reasons (typically, for administration, billing and tax reporting reasons).

Job Application Data

You may contact us at any time to request access, updates, or deletion of your application information. The easiest way to do it is to reply to the last message you exchanged with our Human Resources personnel.


We realise how important and sensitive your personal data is, and we take a great number of measures to ensure that this information is securely processed, stored, and preserved from data loss and unauthorised access. Our technical, administrative, and organisational security measures are described in detail in our Security Policy.

Third-party Party Service Providers

In order to support our operations, we rely on several Service Providers. They help us with various services such as payment processing, web audience analysis, cloud hosting, marketing and communication, etc.

Wanneer wij gegevens delen met deze dienstverleners, zorgen wij ervoor dat zij deze gegevens gebruiken in overeenstemming met de wetgeving inzake gegevensbescherming, en dat de verwerking die zij voor ons uitvoeren, beperkt is tot ons specifieke doel en gedekt wordt door een specifieke overeenkomst inzake gegevensverwerking.

A list of these Service Providers can be supplied on request. Please contact us at [email protected] to request so.

Bewaring van gegevens

Account & Contact Data

we will only retain such data as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, as laid out in this policy, including any legal retention period, or as long as necessary to carry out a legitimate and reasonable promotion of our products and services.

Job Application Data

If we do not hire you, we may keep the information you provide for up to 2 years in order to contact you again for any new job proposition that may come up, unless you ask us not to do so. If we hire you, your personal information will be stored for the duration of your employment contract with us, and afterwards, during the applicable legal retention period that applies in the country where we employed you.

Browser Data

We will only retain this data for a short period of time, generally 2 months, unless we need to keep it in relation with a legitimate concern related to the security or performance of our services, or as required by law.

Safety Retention Period

As part of our Security Policy, we always try to preserve your data from accidental or malicious deletion. As a result, after we delete any of your personal information (Account & Contact Data) from our database upon request from you, or after you delete any personal information from your database (Customer Database), or if you delete your entire database, it is not immediately deleted from our backup systems, which are secured and inalterable. The personal data could remain stored for up to 12 months in those backups, until they are automatically destroyed.
We commit not to use those backup copies of your deleted data for any purpose except for maintaining the integrity of our backups, unless you or the law require us to do so.

Bekendmaking aan derden

Behalve zoals hierboven uitdrukkelijk vermeld, verkopen, verhandelen of geven wij uw persoonsgegevens niet door aan derden. Wij kunnen geaggregeerde of gedeïdentificeerde informatie delen of openbaar maken, voor onderzoeksdoeleinden, of om trends of statistieken met derden te bespreken.


Cookies are small bits of information sent by our servers to your computer or device when you access our services, and unique to you. They are stored in your browser and later sent back to our servers so that we can provide contextual content. We use them to support your activities on our website, for example your session (so you don’t have to login again) or your shopping cart.
Cookies are also used to help us understand your preferences based on previous or current activity on our website (the pages you have visited), your language and country, which enables us to provide you with improved services. We also use cookies to help us compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future.

We also use third-party services such as Google Analytics, who set and use their own cookies to identify visitors and provide their own contextual services. For more information regarding those third-party providers and their Cookie Policy, please see the relevant references in the Third-Party Service Providers section.

U kunt ervoor kiezen dat uw computer u waarschuwt telkens er een cookie wordt verzonden, of u kunt ervoor kiezen om alle cookies uit te schakelen. Elke browser is een beetje anders, dus kijk in het Help-menu van uw browser om de juiste manier te vinden om uw cookies aan te passen, of kijk naar de links hieronder.

Wij ondersteunen momenteel geen Do Not Track-signalen, aangezien er geen industriestandaard is voor naleving.

Beleid Updates

Wij kunnen dit Privacybeleid van tijd tot tijd bijwerken om het te verduidelijken, of om te voldoen aan wettelijke verplichtingen. De vermelding "Laatst bijgewerkt" bovenaan het beleid geeft de laatste herziening aan, die tevens de ingangsdatum van die wijzigingen is. Als u na een dergelijke wijziging gebruik blijft maken van onze diensten, stemt u in met ons bijgewerkte beleid.

Contact met ons opnemen

If you have are any question regarding this Privacy Policy, or any enquiry about your personal data, please reach out to [email protected] or contact us at:

TCD Capital Advisors SA – Data Protection, Chaussée de Waterloo 1429, 1180 Brussels, Belgium

Abonneer u op onze nieuwsbrief

Wij streven ernaar de inhoud aan te passen aan de segmenten die wij bedienen.

Dit zijn zowel fondsinvesteerders als de ondernemers met wie wij allianties hebben gesloten.

We houden graag contact.

TCD Formulier Sjabloon Stijl